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Information about the company

By bio-eko-en

We are a producer and supplier of wood pellets and RUF briquettes and also a distributor of firewood and pellet boilers in EU countries.
The PREMIUM pellets offered by us are of high calorific value (approx. 18.391 kJ / kg) with low ash content in the range of 0.2-0.5%. For the production we use only selected, finely shredded, conditioned with dry steam wood material of the highest quality i.e. sawdust from coniferous trees (pine).

Wood pellets offered by us are made from wood waste compacted under high pressure. This process does not require the use of a binder because lignin, which is one of the basic components of the wood, when heated, exhibits adhesive properties. As a result, pellets when burned indoor do not emit unpleasant odours and at the same time they are environmentally friendly fuel with zero CO2 emissions.

Wood pellets due to their shape, i.e. highly compacted rolls with smooth surface resist any putrefaction, do not absorb moisture from the environment which could result in the decrease of their calorific value. One should note that the product has a high energy content (approx. 4.96 kWh/kg), which means fast heat dissipation, and hence rapid heating of boilers or stoves, and it meets stringent standard requirements for the content of moisture, ash and foreign elements.

Our offer includes PREMIUM pellets in accordance with the quality class EN plus A1 of the European standard EN 14961-2:2011 which confirms the highest quality.

When you choose PREMIUM pellets:

  • You can be sure that the fuel is made of pure sawdust without bark, sand and chemical compounds
  • You can be sure that you are not poisoning yourself or others
  • You can be sure that you burn only as many pellets as you need, thanks to high-calorie fuel
  • You can be sure that the heater used by you shall operate flawlessly, while its operation shall be comfortable

We provide all our partners with reliability and professionalism in the scope of offered products and services. We are constantly improving in the fields of: product quality and speed of delivery and customer satisfaction is a superior value for us.

We guarantee:

  • Possibility of transport – Within the EU
  • Low prices – Quality and price are our strengths
  • Discounts system – for regular customers
  • Clear conditions – Fixed on-time deliveries

Mission Statement:

Our mission is customer satisfaction. We achieve this by providing our distributors and customers with innovative, ecological and high-quality products at good prices. Service at the highest level is an additional value for our customers. All this is to fully satisfy our contractors.
Our mission is also to expand constantly the scope of our offer in order to comprehensively and completely meet the needs of the energy sector regarding the supply of biomass and the agricultural sector in supply of products used in animal breeding based on domestic raw materials of agricultural origin.
In our activities we are guided by the overriding principle of production autonomy, starting from our own raw material sources through advanced technological facilities to long-term sales channels and commercial relations.

Company goals:

Our main and priority business activity is the production and supply of biomass in the energy and agricultural sectors. Satisfying the needs of our customers and meeting the quality requirements of supplied biomass are at the heart of our company’s development.
Our strategic long-term goal is to systematically increase our share in the agricultural and renewable energy market.